Not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God, which I mando.

Deuteronômio 4.2
According to the statement in the Bible, everyone who is born of God does not sin (1 John 5:18). The Almighty never intended that envergonhássemos His good name that is invoked upon us and thus caíssemos in sin. However, by not examining the Scriptures - that contain eternal life and testify about ourselves - not our duty. With that, the enemy has been very successful in keeping the Lord's people away from the presence of the Father

No way, not to rid someone of mortal danger, add something to the Word. If you have to starve yourself, do it head on, as any trial that you will never survive beyond their strength, and at the same time, the Lord will give you the escape. Who adds something to the revelation falls into the hands of the destroyer, which knows no compassion nor mercy, since his plan is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10).

In general, newcomers to the divine family suffer a particular type of temptation: to decrease the compliance of the ordinance of God or forget many prohibitions. For too long, these people served the whims of the enemy, and now believe that they can not live in dignity, succeed or solve their problems unless they liven up any part of the Word who consider rigorous. Ledo mistake! That's how shipwrecked in faith.

Who adds or takes away something of the divine Word can not keep the commandments, nor the negative of warning - you shall not do this and that - nor positive, so that becomes a blessing. Who does so by declaring that can do all things through whom strengthens (Phil. 4.13), but still weak, says it's so strong, but nothing happens. In this verse from Deuteronomy, however, the Lord teaches us the right way to win.

How sad to see Christians deceived, reeling in faith, dominated by addictions and other bad practices! Some people never feel the presence of God, but if you ever visit the Lord, they believe that He has forgiven them and therefore remain hidden evil in his heart. Indeed, the Almighty is faithful and just to forgive us (1 John 1:9), but our desire to no longer commit that mistake, we confess our sin and refuses to surrender to the enemy must be true.

Christ asked John the Baptist to baptize Him, as all justice would be fulfilled (Matthew 3:13-15). The Christian needs the baptism of repentance, holiness and transformation. While silent in sin, he continues servant that demon that led to the error. Wake up! You redeemed possession and, therefore, need to fix up immediately with God!

In Christ, with love

R. R. Soares


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