Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10Those that do God's work following the Scriptures are always persecuted by the devil, and discriminated against, ridiculed, shunned and almost always referred to by those who consider themselves the Lord's people as fanatics. Those who are in the Kingdom of God must expect persecution, that will come in the form of attacks or temptations, because the purpose is to destroy evil who can ruin their plans.At the time of divine healing movement arrived in Brazil, the preachers used by the Lord were accused of many crimes, including the practice of medicine without a license. Many were arrested, banned from returning to certain cities, assaulted by elected officials by the leaders of the religion that dominated the country. But our brothers did not care about that because Jesus spoke about this difficulty in the Sermon on the Mount.Those who are persecuted because of righteousness shall rejoice at this, because it shows that they are part of God's Kingdom. The sad thing is when the world religions and sinners honoring a Christian. How can we love if we do not love our Lord? They live under the dominion of the enemy, in which case we also lived (Rom. 3.23). However, today, as we are a danger to the kingdom of evil, Satan tries to weaken us.If relatives and friends abandoned him turned back, not give in. This is part of spiritual warfare in which you are involved. So, through this understanding, follow the guidelines of Heaven and be sure to give witness to the truth, because one day you will see that it was worth their "training." Gradually, you will get your family are also saved, escaping from destruction. The members of the Body of Christ will always be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).Note that the world does not persecute anyone who does what he wants. The devil even cares about the church you attend, provided you practice the policy agree on everything, not to react to the attacks of the enemy. Those who love God's justice is not discouraged when things do not go well for them, because they have a goal - to do the will of the Lord. So understand that divine guidance in all matters.Better to be successful with the Lord than to be embraced by the world, it is better to believe what the Word says to him than what any leader preaches. To succeed in the presence of God, you must be persecuted for not respecting the eternal Word. Do not despise them nor be angry with them, but love them forever (Matt. 5.44).In Christ, with loveR. R. Soares


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