When Isaiah announced that the Israelites were taken into captivity, it seemed, in their eyes, like a daydream of the prophet. After all, as those that were taken out of slavery in Egypt now organized as a nation, and with so many promises made to them were subjugated by some heathen nation? But the truth was exactly what happened, and the cause was not giving due place to the Lord in their lives. Do not you just say that being religious is not the Lord: we must make sure it is firm in the faith, or if you just do the work of God by legalism. Do not understand what is yours in Christ and therefore fail to take ownership of what you have been prepared and delivered to the Lord are true offenses. It's like you do not declare that believes what he says or need that was granted by the death of Jesus. When this happens, even the pious considered - those who show devoted to matters of religion - hunger Bread of Heaven The man of God must feed on every word that proceeds from the ...